
Combo of Women's Devotionals

This combo includes both of our women's devotionals: Walk out on the Water for women & Deeper Still.

Our devotionals do not need to be read in any order, they are not by any means bound to one another in a chronological order.

Whether you're seeking spiritual renewal, deeper faith, or a closer relationship with God, both of our women's devotionals promise to nourish your soul, guiding you as you walk deeper into the waters of faith

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Deeper Still: for women

"Deeper Still” is the eagerly awaited sequel to the South African best-selling devotional, "Walk out on the Water: for women". In this empowering daily devotional, you'll embark on a year-long spiritual journey that will strengthen your connection with God and enrich your life in profound ways.

Walk out on the Water - for women

365 easily digestible and relatable devotions for every woman looking to deepen her faith and add more structure to her quiet time. The colloquial style of this devotional makes for easy reading and is the perfect gift to yourself, a friend, loved one or even colleague.

Womens devotional

Loop uit op die Water - Vir Kinders

Loop uit op die Water vir Kinders is die ideale inspirasie om ons kinders op 'n geloofsreis te lei terwyl hulle hul unieke en buitengewone doeleindes najaag. Geskik vir ouderdomme 3 – 8
